Friday 13 June 2014

THE        BEAUTY        OF         PRAYER

Prayer is the greatest asset we human beings have in the praising and the glorification of our God.  Secondly it is the best way to appeal to God for his assistance in coping with our daily problems, both spiritual and material.  Prayer is an act of faith, the results of we very rarely see.  On reflection, i have visualised some images to encourage us to commit more time to prayer.  They are not Church teaching nor are they articles of faith and morals, just fanciful thoughts.  However the catholic faith holds a firm belief that every created soul has a guardian angel to assist us in our daily struggle of life.  One function of these beautiful beings is, offering to God, our daily prayers and deeds.  Supposing  each angel has a golden cup with them with your name on it.  So at the close of each day our angels presents our cups and its contents which contain the love and good deeds we were responsible for that day, upon the altar of God.  No kind of wrong doing or misdeeds ever enter your cup.  That’s between you and your God.  It’s strange we always remember our failings and blot out our goodness, so much so the goodness is often forgotten.  Not so with God.  Many cups maybe almost full, some not as much, many maybe presented almost empty.  It is at this point we must become aware of the necessity of prayer and good deeds, not just for ourselves, but our families, neighbours, and the world.  If we pray for others these prayers are put into their cups, thus ensuring they are not empty when placed on the altar of God.  The more we pray the more conscious we will be of helping those around us , and in doing so enhance our own salvation.  There are many ways to pray, but the greatest way of all is Holy Mass.  By devout participation in Holy Mass we gain all we need for our salvation and that of our families.  This act of love and faith is beyond the value of anything we can imagine.  We must shake ourselves out of this lethargy we are in, and return as one family back to mass to praise and glorify our God.  Each little prayer, every kind deed is honoured and acted on by our God out of His great love for us.  No prayer ever goes unanswered.  We closer we draw nearer to God the better we will be to cope with hardships of life.



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