Friday 23 May 2014

                     OFFER    OF    INSURANCE    AND SAVING    PLAN             


Every day and night all year round, we are hounded with deals on saving plans, low interest on savings, low rates on life insurance and so on.  Great deals on home buying, easy payments on new car deals etc.  It’s so amazing.  Yet our daily lives are plagued by misery and sadness.  Perhaps deep down we know all these things do not last.  Only our souls last forever.  Our God has an investment plan that does last forever.  He has given us a policy.  An offer we cannot refuse and must not refuse.  The promise of eternal life.  He sacrificed His only Son, as divine proof of his sincerity for the saving of souls.  Through Jesus Christ our lord, He sealed that promise by establishing His church on earth and the great gifts of the sacraments.  You know, if we spent half the time studying Gods plans instead of all the other rubbish, then maybe we could cope better with this life.  We have only a short time on this earth before we have to leave it so what sort of insurance policies do we have to cover that None but Gods.  Investing in Gods; plan will make us feel more secure in this life than those who don’t.  The church talks very little about judgement.  They neglect to inform the laity that after death there is only judgement.  It makes sense then to invest heavily in Gods plans.  The dividends are fantastic.  We must get busy working with God before it is too late.  The belief in future punishment will not pass away.  Are we in weakening its warning voice, to lose an ever present reminder of an unseen God.  St Paul in his writings, was full of gratitude to the power, Who has delivered us from the wrath to come. 

It is not with foreboding or scaremongering i write these thoughts.  With love and hope, perhaps they will shake us out of our lethargy and complicity towards God and his church.  When we die we are going to a foreign, but not to a strange place.  The ideas of judgement and purgatory are very familiar to us, more so than death.  The best sound advice given to us, invest heavily in God.             (YOU CAN’T LOSE)


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