Sunday, 21 December 2014

          GODS      LOVE      FOR      US

Have we ever given much thought to, the real meaning of what the love of God presents to us?  Firstly, let us look at the Holy Family.  Mary, a young girl of sixteen years, consents to a request from God, to become the mother of His Son.  Her positive response came from amongst feelings of confusion, fear, anxiety.  Her YES was the result of her love and devotation to God.  There was no great emotional outburst, just a simple, THY WILL BE DONE.  That attitude of our Blessed Mother She carried with Her throughout Her life.  A life fraught with sorrow, danger and suffering, yet Her love for God only grew stronger.  Joseph, Her husband, silent and resolute, committed to the protection and welfare of his family.  Despite the hardship of their calling, their happiness and joy lay in the knowledge that Gods love would see them through no matter what the consequence; they would remain loyal to carrying out His will. 

Through the gospels we have a very clear picture of the sort of life our Lord and Savour experienced.  A life that finally ended in torture and death on a cross.

Contrary to much of the teachings of today’s modern world, to say yes to God and live our lives accordingly, is just a stroll in the park, is misguiding.  Knowing the way of life the Holy Family went through, the exhausting public ministry of Christ.  The constant battles of our church down through the ages, even to this present time, is no dawdle in any park. 

God’s love is an interior motivation to open ourselves to His love and greater understanding of what He wants from us.  Each one of us has a role to play, not only in our own salvation, but for those immediately around us, our families, our neighbours, and our parish.  This is the foundation on which our faith is based on.  If we fully agree to the will of God, He will surely see us safely home.  We must try to change our hearts and our mind-set.  To embrace the great gifts Christ won for us-the SACRAMENTS- our love for God would truly start to blossom.  It would help to change our parish into a better place to live in, for us and our children.  Take note, nothing is ever gained without sacrifices.  Each conversion that takes place must begin within ourselves then and only then can we reach out to others.  Think about this, how many times have we felt rotten inside, by the things we say and do, like gossiping about others misfortunes, constant complaining, feelings of hatred, jealously etc.  Most of the time we feel good about ourselves.  So why can’t we do the same to others who have their faults, and persevere with them.  If you truly know of how weak you are and are able to show tolerance to others in their strife, you are well on your way to salvation.  If God loves everybody then he loves me.  This is the basis of the caring love we need to share with those less fortunate than ourselves.  To seek a fellowship with all who are seeking help.  To realise we are not above them but one with them.  That is the beauty of God’s love.   Our faith is not just about a bunch of rules to follow.  Because God is love, by our actions we can be witnesses to that love and hopefully change a lost soul’s life.  We put too big a burden on our church and our priests, who are the guardians and administrators of Gods gifts.  We must become more aware of GOD by reading the bible.  Priests cannot be expected to explain the scriptures in the fifteen minutes given to them. To become more learned of scripture, we must read the bible.  By doing so we would progress a lot faster in our spiritual growth.  If we have time to study the soaps, sports stars, showbiz world etc.   THEN WHY NOT OUR GOD.  OUR God outweighs everything.  We must not offend our God by evil or sinful actions, in thought, word and deed.  All sinful actions must be condemned, but we must avoid judging those who perpetrate these deeds.  The judge of all creation will administer true justice when the time comes.  Live a life honouring and serving God, because He is all merciful, all forgiving, and all love.        GOD  BLESS  EVERYONE.      

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

                 THE      BEAUTY     OF     MOTHERHOOD

Numerous titles have been bestowed on our Blessed Mother throughout the ages.  But of all the titles ever attributed to her, either by the angels or human beings, pale into insignificance in the light of one title, MOTHER OF GOD, given to her by the creator off all life, God Himself.  Then what wonder, what beauty, what splendour is encompassed in the title of motherhood.  Every woman blessed by the gift of bringing forth life, should be honoured and respected by all humanity.  Regrettable as it is, this modern world however, has dishonoured, degraded, and turned the female form into objects of desire, lust, to be used or abused, to further its own ends, of a corrupt, unscrupulous world, filled with an obsession for power, greed, and control.  This blog is a response to an incident i saw on the national T. V. News concerning a young mother who was breast feeding her infant child in the premises of Clarridges Hotel.  She was approached by the hotels manager, who requested, could she cover up the action she was doing as it was unsettling to many of the clientele using the hotel.  In an act of courtesy, he acquired a table cloth to assist her.  His Explanation was that it was in line with Clarridges policy.  I have a query to put to this manager? Has he ever observed the females who frequent his hotels and discos especially at week-ends?  If he had done so, and carried out hotel policy, he would have been compelled to refuse entry to at least seventy per cent of them due to the mode of clothing they were wearing.  As in all probability they were revealing more of their breasts than this young mother was revealing.  This blog, i must state, is not to criticise modern day fashion or how women dress.  It is a criticism of the failure of the hotel, to explain, was it the showing of her breast, which was not evident on T.V or the sight of a young baby feeding that is against hotel policy that promoted him to take this action.  And what did the customers find offensive, the revealing of her breast, the baby feeding, or both.  How can any normal society accept this as justifiable behaviour? Yet deem breast feeding in public uncomfortable.  The western world allegedly champions the cause of human rights and moral standards but everyone knows this to be farcical as it is well known that it is the monetary system that set the standards.    We as Christians have to depend on our churches and its shepherds for leadership and guidance, but in recent years they have become silent on many serious matters that concern the laity.  Reasons that is known only to themselves.  In a sense we have almost been deserted.  I believe that their concerns for worldly aims is at the detriment of spiritual growth.  The failure of all Christian sects to unite as one in this battle against evil unnerves me.  Any more failure to act will only drive home the final nails in the coffin of Christianity.  This act of disrespect to motherhood and many other evils is affront in the eyes of God.  We profess our love for God but we fail to show it.  We must wake up to Gods will and his teachings and start to act before it is too late.  Christ will be victorious in the end.  We must be determined to share in that victory or lose every thing