Thursday, 30 October 2014

               OUR            UNSTABLE         FAITH    

Due to our lack of guidance, especially from our churches at parish level, i believe that being left to our own devices we have become indifferent, opened ourselves to a very distorted view of Christianity.  As Catholics we cannot grasp any longer what is sinful and what is not.  Our whole attitude to God and His church, and i am putting this mildly, is sadly lacking in zeal, no commitment, no reverence, and only a mild form of love.  All that we hold sacred towards our salvation, from Christ’s days on earth, up to a hundred years ago, is rapidly being eroded.  The reason being for this, the church has to modernise itself to encompass the changing attitudes of modern society.       A society built on materialistic views and self preservation.  In other words, God and spiritual matters are no longer relevant.  For the many who still cling to true faith, unfortunately are being swamped by homilies that place social issues, poverty, health and self esteem at the expense of the welfare of the soul.  Never forget, all things of the body are temporary.  To cater for them as first choice your time will be wasted, as the body does not last and one day will crumble into dust. The soul on the other hand exists forever and must be our primary concern.  If we take as much interest in our faith as we do in worldly things, i pods, high tech games, alcohol and drugs, then maybe we can retrieve some of our lost dignity.  We appear to worry too much about the welfare of ourselves and our children that we forget to focus on our spiritual state.  This leads to a shrinking of our moral standards’.   By rejecting Gods way, we become isolated from each other, more self cantered.  This is very evident in all homes, where daughters and sons isolate themselves for many hours on their own with their gadgets.  This attitude contributes to the moral decline of our faith in parishes worldwide.  The church must strive to become the centre of parish life.  Failure to do so could lead to the collapse of our faith and the loss of many souls.  I have heard several times, you can love God even if you don’t go to mass.  :Perhaps: but i am curious as to the kind of love this represents.  Holy Mass is the centre of our faith.  It’s the greatest expression of our love and devotion to our God.  By our presence at mass we will come to recognise the great love and commitment our God has for us.  Yet there many other ways in which to love and serve our God e.g. pray the rosary, holy hours, be involved with charity groups, and live your daily lives as true Catholics.  Our faith in Jesus Christ needs to be nourished daily if it is to grow.  By attending mass, we witness the death of Christ, whose cross is firmly planted at the centre of mass, and we should plant our daily crosses, though smaller in statue, firmly besides His.  With Christ we offer our daily crosses to the praise, glory, and commitment to the will of our heavenly Father.  No greater act of love can surpass this action.  By doing this you will be assured of heaven

Christ Our Lord was born into the human family by becoming one of us.  During His lifetime He founded a new way of life for the betterment of humanity.  Given His status He has more of a right to be heard in this world.  More than the other rights groups such as, civil rights, gay rights, pro life, social issues etc, etc.  We can disagree with each other, but all should have the right to speak.  Many groups are supported by the pillars of society, governments, civil servants, news media, and law makers.  Sadly the most restricted of all seems to be those who support the views of Christianity.  Many of their symbols have been banned; many sections of their way of life have been outlawed.  It appears as if the world societies are anti Christian.  As Catholics we must not be silenced.  Our church leaders must pick up the mantle, fearlessly proclaim the catholic faith openly and vigorously, irrespective of the scabs and sores it carries.  Failure to do so may lead to , not a church controlled faith, but a faith controlled by the state.  Their reasoning message to the world, eat, drink, be merry, tomorrow we die, nothing else matters. 

THATS THE DOCTRINE OF MODERN LIFE.                                GOD   BLESS

Sunday, 19 October 2014

               GODS KINGDOM               FAITH              COMMITTMENT      

At various times throughout my life and in all probability the lives of a great many Catholics i have tried to reason with my faith.  What is it that makes us believe, especially as there is no tangible evidence to subdue our reasoning?  Our instinctive notion of faith is the response to Gods divine presence in our souls.  A friendship of mutual love, of person to person.  A love that should incite us to be, caring and devoted to all souls.  It might be a duty, or it might be a merit, but faith cannot exist without hope.  If there is something we believe to be true, then we should not only say it, we must do it.  Living in modern times, unbelief is unavoidable in an age of intellect.  We must never forget, that with due consideration,       faith requires an act of will.  In an atmosphere where unbelief loudly speaks out, those who champion faith must also speak out loudly.  As falsehoods assail truth, truth must assail falsehoods, and we must pray for the courage to do so.  It’s frightening, that this world so shamefully fosters such low ambitions that sets everybody on the lookout for success.  To amass money, to gain power, never wavering in their quest for fame and fortune in whatever shape or form.  All this is done at the expense, of our most deepest thoughts, all that makes us holy and calm, weakening our moral values.  How then can we be persuaded of this great truth, in spite of its outward appearances, human society, as we find it, is but a part of an invisible world that is divided into two companies.  The children of God and the children of Satin.  That some souls are administered unto by angels, others led captive by devils.  This warfare has existed between the kingdom of light and the powers of darkness since the dawn of time.  Our allegiance to our God and His Blessed Mother must be supreme, no matter how we feel.  As often as we can we must witness openly on their behalf.  Great prayer is offered up daily by the millions of pilgrims who visit holy shrines all over the world.  This commitment to prayer must be sustained openly on their returning home,  as witnesses to the value of their journeys and a great encouragement to those who did not go.  The rewards of these actions and through the intersession of our Holy Mother, the Angels and the Saints, great graces have been poured out on the human race.  Yet much more is needed to combat the evils of this world.  Those pilgrims worldwide, returning from Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorje Rome etc must unite in open and common prayer in catholic parishes worldwide.  This then will stand as a monument to the authenticity of their commitment to God and his Holy Mother as well as a pointer to the validity of all shrines.  If we need encouragement to do so just think of the many sons  and daughters (our brothers and sisters) of God being led astray by the powers of darkness using the lures of this world .  Do it for this if not for any other reason.  We owe it to God and to them to do so.  If we take time to digest the necessicity of prayer that protects our daily way of life, we should study the words of the Lord’s Prayer, evil all around us, likelihood of temptation, sin to be avoided, Gods will in our hearts, Gods name on our lips, Gods kingdom our hope.  This is the view it gives us to what it means to be a Christian.   

GOD BLESS                            

Thursday, 2 October 2014

THE      SILENCE      OF      THE      LAMB

Just stop for a moment and give some thought to this title.  Ponder on its meaning and see how much truth lies there in.  Is it possible, Christ’s is being silenced everywhere in the world.  Has the catholic church been so eroded by today’s world.  In the past, in all Christian countries, the strength of the church was able to curtail, governments of legislating anti Christ polices.  How different it is today.  A world where Christian ethics are outlawed by those whose aim is to destroy the catholic church worldwide.  This victory would lead to an anything goes society.  Abortion, compulsory civil marriages, promotion of immorality, take care of the strong and abandon the weak, cater for the rich by robbing the poor.  Anyone who is a liability or financial burden on the state would be isolated.  Sound familiar? It is.  They are the polices that enthroned Adolf Hitler to power, while the world stood idly by twiddling its thumbs.  The church, strong as it was then also kept silent.  The question i ask now, when is the church, worldwide going to wake up and address these evils that confronts us.  A strong spiritual revival is needed to combat evil no matter what the cost.  We can no longer stand idly by while millions of souls are being lost.  Strong leadership must come from the guardians of the flock, before they have to leave the one and go after the rest.  Depressing yes, but not hopeless.  Perhaps we need a few John the Baptists, or St Pauls, to invigorate our dying church.  To passionately act and preach of the great love and mercy our God has for His creatures by upholding the truth.  While Christ’s love can envelope us, we will never understand it.  For example, do children trust their parents because they have proved to themselves that they are trustworthy and desire to do so, or is it from the instinct of affection? We believe because we love, and that is the honest truth.  How can we encourage them who doubt this, to believe?  There are many who for various reasons have abandoned their faith.  All must come to terms that faith is the medium in which the soul sees Christ.  It is colourless, like air or water.  Unfortunately many are bent on holding it in their hands.  They substitute it for a feeling, a notion, sentimentally or an act of reason on which they indulge in or dote upon.  Rather, they aim at experiences within them than at Him who is beyond them.  In faith we must believe, Our Lord is truly and really present in the forms of bread and wine.  We do not know how, we have no parallel to the how in our experience.  We can only believe that he is present, not according to natural manner, but sacra mentally.  If the church can encourage the laity to unite in prayer for stronger faith, we will involve God more and more in world affairs and thus defeat the evil that enslaves us.  Without God we face total defeat of ourselves and our children.  Any catholic who profess their belief in God but do not pray daily is a contradiction in its very nature.  They are only fooling themselves. Throughout the old and new testaments, God decreed that the human race must pray daily.  To do so is the answer to the world’s problems and keep us on the road to salvation.  Prayer is not just a mumble of words that come out of our mouths.  It is the thoughts of our hearts that must be expressed by our words.  Prayer is a means to an end.  The end being that thoughts and words become actions.  In politics many countries strive for the unification of their nations.  In our church unity does not exist at parish level, parishes live in isolation of one another, all are detached from their spiritual centre :ROME:  Unification of the whole church needs to be addressed earnestly if our faith is to survive much longer.  Pray every day for unity, from pope to pauper.  Do not be silent, let Christ’s voice be heard through us everywhere in the world, (LOUDLY)


            GOD   BLESS