Thursday, 28 August 2014

AND       THE       STORY      CONTINUES         

During the last years of his life, a band of followers travelled with Jesus as he made His way around Galilee and Judea, healing and teaching.  From among these disciples He chose twelve as His apostles.  From these leaders He further singled out one.  Jesus changed his name from Simon to Peter, meaning rock.  Declaring, that upon this rock He would build His church

The apostles lived with Jesus for three years, heard His teachings, and witnessed His miracles.  Yet when Jesus was arrested, all but one fled in fear.  Even the ‘’ rock’’ Peter denied Him.  Surprisingly, at first, Jesus resurrection did not appear to change them much.  The remaining eleven dismissed the early reports as ‘’idle tales’’ The apostle Thomas refused to believe until he had put his fingers into the wounds of the risen Christ.

Jesus finally appeared to all of them and instructed them to tell the whole world about Him.  First  though, they were to wait in Jerusalem for what Jesus called ’’the promise of God’’,  Nine days after Jesus’ ascension into heaven, the apostles, Mary the mother of Christ; and over a hundred others soon found out what Jesus meant  It was during the feast of Pentecost, when the power of the Holy Spirit filled them so profoundly that they would never be the same again.  Formerly fearful and faltering, they now became bold, joyful, and courageous.  Dashing into the street, crowded with pilgrims from every part of the known world, the apostles stood up, and with Peter as their spokesman, fearlessly witnessed to the resurrection of Christ.  Thousands heard them preaching, each in their own language and many were baptised that day, into the new community of love, forgiveness, freedom.  The final chapter of Gods plan, for bringing the fragmented human family back together had started, for on that day also, the active involvement of the new church and the laity had begun.  That work continues till this day, through the offices of the catholic (universal) church.  Many may shake their heads in disappointment  and refer  to the state of today’s world.  It is not that Christianity has failed, rather it is we who have failed to be Christian.  The church can be seen as a universal hospital for sinners where all can experience the healing grace of God, and become the people God intended us to be.  Sadly, Christians have been unable to maintain that unity to which we are all called.  The result has been a weakening of Christian witness,  It is true, to the shame of the church, that many who have borne the name Christian have not lived up to its name.  This does not take away from the enduring testimony of the church for over 2,000 years and still give witness to the, life death and resurrection of our Lord and Savour Jesus Christ today.  The grace of God has sustained the church and He has promised to do so until the end of time.  In every age there have been sinners who have entered the church and become saints through the power of Pentecost.  Peter the coward –turned rock, Paul the murderer became a martyr, all the way to Mother Teresa of Calcutta, whose relentless love touched the heart of the twentieth century.  So what about us, Jesus came that we may have life, and have it to the full.  Why settle for anything less.  It is our responsibility to witness together with an undivided voice to the fullness of his truth, or lose all that Christ won for us.                           


Sunday, 17 August 2014

            WE         MUST         TRY          HARDER

One of Christs earliest declarations of His power, and his mission on earth, was the curing of the paralysed man, who had been lowered through the roof and placed in front of Jesus and the crowd.  Jesus reaction to this was to say :your sins are forgiven:  Strange words to say to a very sick man.  But in truth, our greatest needs are spiritual, the healing of the soul and spirit are first, all else is secondary.  This man’s needs in the eyes of Christ, was to have his sins forgiven.  Like him our primary need is to know our sins are forgiven.  In the confessional, via the priest, we hear the words of absolution, Gods words :my son, my daughter: i absolve you from your sins.  Be in no doubt, this is an absolute fact.  We have Gods word on it.  But take care, the only sin God will not forgive, is the person who refuses to go to Him in the belief they are beyond forgiveness.  This refusal can cause a hardening of one’s heart against Gods love and mercy, and God will never impose on our free will.  We are all sinners and in need of God’s mercy. Through frequent prayer and confession we will come to experience the real value of true joy and freedom.  A freedom that will lead us to self awareness and knowledge of who we are, and who God is.  His saving grace is needed by every soul.  The young addict who lives alone and in misery, and equally the young people who abstain from drugs and alcohol are both in need of salvation, the plight of the addict is just more evident.  A spiritual life is in many ways, a battle for control of our minds.  Gods words enter our minds, in order for it to take root and bear fruit, we need to engage with it, so it is not lost.  The only remedy for the human condition is Jesus Christ.  In all honesty, this statement would not sit very well with many young and many not so young in today’s society.  However if we stopped for a moment and gave some thought at the way we live our lives, we may have a change of attitude.  Living in todays world, where our minds are chock- a- block with useless information its almost impossible to make room for Gods word.  If we are to enter heaven we must make room.  Perhaps we should take stock of our Christianity, by our kindness, patience, and love and mercy towards those who have strayed from Gods path.  We must try harder not to judge or condemn people for the mess and the fear they have got themselves into.  The truth is, we all seek comfort, consolation, and friendship in one form or another.  This is part of the human condition.  There is a need in us all to change our lives for the good.  The Christian faith will always challenge us to change, an invitation to reform our lives.  Change is not just for a day or a one of thing, but a continual daily call.  We often think others need to change, but not us.  In fact, very few turn to the scriptures, the living word of God, when we are down, lonely, or depressed.  Why not?  Because we usually turn to drugs, alcohol, gambling, just to mention a few.  As any recovering addict will tell you, Christ will sustain you in your efforts.  Mercifully the scriptures are full of consoling words,  especially Christs words (come to me all you who are heavily burdened I will ease your pain )  Daily contact with God through prayer (mass whenever possible )  and begin reading the bible.  Do this and we and we can all move out of the darkness we are in, begin to enjoy the light of God in our souls.  Peace does not mean the absence of war, hunger, or suffering.  It is a condition which exists in all of us, by Gods grace, due to His infinite love for us.  Being human and as a result of our domestic and family obligations, we are prevented from giving more time to God as we should. By His coming among us, God fully understands this, and that puts a reason on us to try harder.  The reward for your efforts will be a place in heaven for you.              


Thursday, 7 August 2014

                     A      GRIM     OUTLOOK     FOR      OUR      CHURCH       

Throughout human history, there has been an almost universal recognition that at the end of time we will all render some kind of an account of our lives, to God.  Even when the understanding of the one God is clouded and confused.  Every culture has a strong sense, that they will be judged by their maker.  So as Catholics, do we ever ponder about what we will be judged on.  The most significant act in the history of the human race has been passed down the centuries until this present day, the coming of our Lord and Savour Jesus Christ.  What then was the reason for Christs suffering.  Because He and only He was capable of paying the price of our freedom demanded by the will of the Lord our God.  His passion restored to fallen mankind, what the original human race (ADAM & EVE) had lost by their disobedience, in that they sinned against Gods law.  In rejecting God, they began to love themselves and many other things more than they loved God, Who must be first in every ones hearts.  By their actions they lost, not only for themselves, but for generations to come, the gift of eternal life.  After the fall, human desires became more self seeking and confused.  Christ’s coming reinstated our intimate relationship with God, new offer of eternal life, and the proper meaning of love :sacrifice:.  In short, words are cheap.  Christ also came to destroy the works of Satan.  He (satin) markets sin as liberating, but is the exact opposite (slavery).  We live in a permissive society that embraces sin as a virtue.  Our choice is simple.  There are the ways of God, and there the ways of this world, two different ways for humanity to live.  Unfortunately the message of the world’s media is often portrayed as, that anything goes and sin is no big deal.  Even sections of our church play down the gravity of sin.  This attitude has led many catholics to reject the confessional, to abandon prayer, and eventually disregard God by their non attendance at holy mass.  This approach could draw many souls towards the gates of hell and eternal damnation.  Our sins are often rooted in our greed, lust, pride, envy, etc. Moreover choosing the evils of this world can be very attractive.  Our free will, given to us by God has allowed us the freedom of choice, to follow Gods way, or follow the ways of this world.  We must be in no doubt the fate of all who ignore Gods way and the vast rewards for all who follow His ways.  If we decide to pursue Gods way, we must do so by action and not just words.  With stronger guidance and greater support from the church many souls could be won back for our God.  In the last one hundred years the church has become weak due to the disunity among the clergy who many them selves have become more worldly and less spiritual.  Their failure to inform the people of the way they are living their lives, and the outcome of their actions will bring, to clearly explain the obligations of what it means being baptised a catholic and the importance of what is expected of them.  If people think that sin is trivial, and their commitment to God trifling.  Take a good look at the crucifix.  That’s what  God did for us, and that’s what sin did to GOD.  In most families today spiritual growth is almost nonexistent.  It is as though the catholic faith was living on borrowed time, especially in the west.  This exodus can be slowed down if we seriously turn back to God.  To love God and one another will take a big effort on the part of those who do so.  The clergy and the laity must stand up and speak the truth. To become united as one under God.  Gods primary aim is the salvation of souls and it must be ours also.  This world which has existed so long in the grip of fear, of dying, of suffering, poverty, of evil, it seems almost impossible to get our minds around a kingdom where none of these things exist.  But that is a perfectly human reaction to the world in which we live.  We are pressurised daily by the evils that surrounds us.  I was told, many years ago, faith was believing in something you cannot understand.    The love, beauty, joy, and happiness of heaven is not a myth or a fairytale.  It is a reality.  It is a mystery to be enjoyed, not to be analysed or understood, for there is nothing in this life that comes anywhere near the splendour of seeing God face to face.  That’s what we must strive to achieve, for ourselves and our families.