Saturday, 24 May 2014

                                             PRAYER    IN    ACTION  

How often have we heard these words ; pray, pray.  Words spoken to the world by JESUS CHRIST , and repeated down the centuries by our Blessed Mother, right up to this present day.  Why then this great need for prayer.  Firstly it brings us in direct contact with God, and with the citizens of heaven.  At Mass, by our prayers we praise, glorify, and give thanks to God.  In prayer we plead to God for many things, the sick, the holy souls, welfare of our children, our financial status.  Most important , to pray for the salvation of all souls.  The greatest example of prayer in action was in the upper room in Jerusalem where our holy mother and the apostles were gathered.  So intense was their prayer, when the Holy Spirit ascended on them  they were aflame with love and passion for God our Savour.  They could have remained in that state forever, but that would not have served the purpose it was meant to.  With new found courage, they went out among the crowd, spreading this good news everywhere they went.  Continuing the work that Jesus had been preparing them for, during His three year ministry with them.  With the establishment of the church, this work continues to this day. 

The function of prayer is the same now as it was in the apostles time.  Strength to go about our lives upholding Gods name, defence of our church and fight more vigorously against all evils.  Our prayers would bear much fruit, when in any company , to express Gods love and mercy for all souls.  Make time to talk about God every day in your homes especially with your children as this is a grave responsibility laid upon you.  It is important to learn more about our church and its role in todays modern world. The church must outline, in simple language , what it is   offering for the salvation of its flock. The spiritual protection of  our children and  promotion of some of the older traditions is sorely needed in our parishes today. Such as asking God openly to bless everyone we meet.  Mass is a wonderful  and joyous celebration to our God.  In grateful thanks for the offer of eternal life to all who want it.  It is important the celebrants, by their actions, convey to the people the reality of what is taking place on the altar.  To readers they must be passionate in their presentation and firmly believe in what they are reading.  To hold the Creator of all life, encompassed in the holy host is totally awesome and all eucharistic ministers should respond in kind.  Devotional  reverence is necessary by everyone at mass.  The beginning of almost everything usually sets the tone for what is to follow.  Perhaps the way we begin mass needs to be addressed, Unfortunately we human beings exist in a time frame.  With God time does not exist.  He judges on what we do, not in the time it takes us.  So it appears we have relegated God to a back seat and replaced Him with many new Gods, who demand our time, devotion and emotion, the idols of this world.  If this is our choice and truth be told, to continue in this way, the human race is heading towards its own ruin.  The decline of our faith can be measured thus.  Seventy years ago ninety out of every hundred homes was dominated by pictures of the Sacred Heart now less than five do.  The rapid decline of the priesthood in the western world.  The ritual of family prayer and the teaching about Jesus Christ is non existent in most catholic homes of today.  This is very serious.  If we fail to tell our children about God, where then does our future lie.  For me it appears little or no action or sense of urgency is forthcoming from our churches’  The status quo seems to be acceptable.  As in the days of the apostles we must come together and pray for strength to take positive action to combat this lethargy.  Both church and laity must combine as one for the salvation of souls.  For centuries the church ignored the voice of the people.  Today this is a huge problem towards church unity and must be seriously be addressed.  To watch the decline of our faith is sad to behold.  I only wish to God i knew the answer.   

                                          GOD        BLESS       ALL         


Friday, 23 May 2014

                     OFFER    OF    INSURANCE    AND SAVING    PLAN             


Every day and night all year round, we are hounded with deals on saving plans, low interest on savings, low rates on life insurance and so on.  Great deals on home buying, easy payments on new car deals etc.  It’s so amazing.  Yet our daily lives are plagued by misery and sadness.  Perhaps deep down we know all these things do not last.  Only our souls last forever.  Our God has an investment plan that does last forever.  He has given us a policy.  An offer we cannot refuse and must not refuse.  The promise of eternal life.  He sacrificed His only Son, as divine proof of his sincerity for the saving of souls.  Through Jesus Christ our lord, He sealed that promise by establishing His church on earth and the great gifts of the sacraments.  You know, if we spent half the time studying Gods plans instead of all the other rubbish, then maybe we could cope better with this life.  We have only a short time on this earth before we have to leave it so what sort of insurance policies do we have to cover that None but Gods.  Investing in Gods; plan will make us feel more secure in this life than those who don’t.  The church talks very little about judgement.  They neglect to inform the laity that after death there is only judgement.  It makes sense then to invest heavily in Gods plans.  The dividends are fantastic.  We must get busy working with God before it is too late.  The belief in future punishment will not pass away.  Are we in weakening its warning voice, to lose an ever present reminder of an unseen God.  St Paul in his writings, was full of gratitude to the power, Who has delivered us from the wrath to come. 

It is not with foreboding or scaremongering i write these thoughts.  With love and hope, perhaps they will shake us out of our lethargy and complicity towards God and his church.  When we die we are going to a foreign, but not to a strange place.  The ideas of judgement and purgatory are very familiar to us, more so than death.  The best sound advice given to us, invest heavily in God.             (YOU CAN’T LOSE)


Tuesday, 6 May 2014



Of all the great gifts God gave to humanity, the greatest of all is Holy Mass.  In all probability the sacrament of confession would be second.  At mass we praise, glorify, and express our love to God.  We give thanks to God by remembering all he has done for us.  Unfortunately in our human weakness reject His love, in pursuit of the pleasures of this world.  These periods of rejection can last for times only, or last for many years.  Living in modern times our refusal to pay homage to God, and follow the paths of darkness, may become habit forming.  We no longer believe we are doing wrong.  That is a very dangerous position to be in, as we risk losing our spiritual lives for all eternity.  Cut off from Gods graces we sink deeper into the mire.  But the infinite love of God is always reaching out to every soul, no matter how deep they have sunk.  Hence His wonderful gift of confession.  For every soul that repents in confession, will receive full absolution and forgiveness.  God cannot and will not force us to change.  But God and all heaven rejoices in every soul that does repent.  A fresh start can then begin for every repentant soul.  It is not easy to change on our own.  We need the church and the sacraments.  Therefore the church must be more vigorous, more passionate, in their spiritual quest as they are for the material needs of their flock.  But the cry these days are(we are so few).  Well for starters we have our pope, plenty of cardinals, to focus on an action plan to counteract the evils that have taken hold a large part of our world today.  In my younger days church teaching , that when faced by serious problems, they would seek Gods help.  This was done by prayer and fasting.  Iguess this is just wild thinking on my part.  To cope with these terrible times greater action is needed from the clergy, and fully supported by the laity.  A question for the laity to ponder, what does it mean for YOU to be a catholic. Millions of souls throughout the western world are in grave danger of losing their souls.  Yet our priorities are the economy, starvation, sickness, and home comforts.  All these things are terrible in their very existence, and must be earnestly addressed.  But all these evils we will leave behind when we die.  We do not take them with us.  The sickness of the soul we take with us.  After each confessional we know we have been cured.  By the grace of God, little or no sickness is left.  This cure is available to all souls, no matter how great the sickness or length of time we have it.  The cure is instant.  All that is needed is truthfulness and honesty, two things we cannot hide from God.  Whoever you are , no matter how serious the sins are, Gods love and mercy far out strip all the evils of our past lives. 

For the sake of our salvation we must trust in GODS MERCY


                                                       THE    LOVE    OF    GOD

                     WHEN  EVIL TIMES SHALL  PASS  AWAY


                    WHEN  MEN  WHO  HERE  REFUSE TO PRAY

                  ON  ROCKS  AND  HILLS  AND  MOUNTAIN’S  CALL

                 GOD’S  LOVE  SO  SURE, SHALL  STILL  ENDURE

                  ALL  MEASURELESS  AND  STRONG

                  REDEEMING  GRACE  TO  ADAMS  RACE       

                THE  SAINTS  AND  ANGELS’  SONG.