Friday, 11 April 2014

              TEMPTATIONS     DENIAL    AND     FASTING         

The  temptations of the human race fall into one of three categories, one,  they pertain to the flesh (lust, and gluttony ) two the idolatrous love of things (greed )or of the mind (pride and envy ).  It is part of Gods discipline to make His loved ones perfect through trial and suffering. 

Christ did not want to pick and choose among His words, discarding the hard ones and accepting the ones that please our fancy.  We need a church who will restore our moral dignity.  Who will help us to resist evil and love good with a passion.  Salvation that was promised to us by our Lord  Jesus  Christ is not a social one.  He would not save from their poverty, but He would redeem them from their sins.  To destroy sin is to uproot the first causes of poverty.  The only way we can prove we love and care for others is by making an act of choice; mere words are not enough. 

Christs temptations in the desert is what all humanity must go through  .  Each temptation will vary from person to person

The first temptation of Christ was for Him to become a social reformer, to feed the masses.  In truth satin was saying  think of bodily needs, forget about sin.  God never denied that mankind needed to be fed, or that social justice should not be preached but these things are not first, He is.  Christs reply to satin, you tempt Me to a religion that would relieve want; should I become a baker instead of a saviour, to be a social reformer instead of a redeemer.  Christs forty days fast meant that nobody can say , God does not know hunger is.  

The second temptation was for Christ to forgo His cross and replace it with an effortless display of power, to make it easy for everyone to believe in Him.  Satin implied that if people were to believe that Jesus was the Messiahs, what would win them over quickly, than a display of great wonders .  God did not work any miracles to save Himself.  He did not halt the red hammer and sickle (communisis) , that battered down His tabernacle doors.  He will very few miracles even for the sake of His Saints sakes.  His love is suffice to see us through, 

Finally showing all the kingdoms of the world which satin made claim to and offered them to Christ if He would kneel before him and adore him.  Had the kingdoms really been delivered to him.  Later on Christ referred to satin as the prince of this world.  It was not God who delivered them but mankind had done so (by sin ).  The kingdoms spoken of here are not bricks and motar but souls.  If we care to look about us is this not happening  again in our times.  The kingdoms of this world must be elevated to the Kingdom of God.  Gods kingdom must not be dragged down to the level of this world.  To achieve all we want from this world, but in the process lose our immortal souls we have achieved nothing. 


                                                    OUR   NEED   OF   CLEARER   TEACHING

Why are so many catholics in the western world, turning away from God and his church?  If our faith is to be universal, suited not simply to one locality or period, but to all times and places. It must develop a sense of right or wrong, the first element in religion.  The teachings of my early years were, that there were two roads open before us during our time on this earth.  The road of light that leads to heaven, and the road of darkness that leads to hell.  Sermons, prior to viaticum two, talked of, the love of God and the God of mercy and forgiveness. Rights and wrongs.  Many sermons contained the rewards of trying to live a holy life and the penalties for turning away from God.  Modern day teaching tells us of a God of infinite love, mercy and compassion, but nothing of a just God.  God is all these things, but one thing He is not, a love sick fool. This bears the question, what are we to believe.  With no clear teaching, many see no need to worship God or attend mass, or avail themselves of the sacraments.  They feel free to pursue the things of this life, while ignoring the graces which enhances their spiritual growth.  No need of confession as we have no sins to confess.  Due to our busy schedules Sunday mass is an option that is if we have the time.  Unfortunately this belief is being acted out in many countries in the western world.  The great tragedy of this, parents pass this thinking onto their children.  Not only do the parents and their families suffer but our faith is the biggest loser of all.  With no clear teaching of what is expected of the followers of Christ and no knowledge of the consequences of failing to do so.  They mill about life like lost sheep.  False Gods now rule the earth.  The idols of SPORT, SOAPS, POP MUSIC, TALENT SHOWS, GAME SHOWS etc.  Hundreds of thousands are flocking before them in awe and adoration. 

How weary and thankless it is, the task that faces OUR HOLY FATHER POPE FRANCIS and all the clergy who follow him.  Without the full co-operation of the laity the catholic faith is in danger of disappearing from many countries in today’s modern world.  Christs words in Lukes gospel (18- 8) when the Son Of Man returns will he find any faith on earth.  Those words sound very ominous today; Catholics must stand up for their faith and be counted.  Declare it with courage and compassion, and condemn evil with vigour.  A note of caution, do not be afraid to condemn all evil acts, but do not judge those who commit them.  We do not the depth of any person other than ourselves.  That judgement is for God alone, who is the God of justice. 

If we put our trust in God, in His Blessed Mother, the angels and the saints, we will win through in the end, (but at what cost).  That will depend on our co-operation with GOD.  We must keep in mind Christ’s words that still apply to this day.  He reminds us of his greatest rival MONEY the root of all our evils.  Christs challenge to us, we must serve one and hate the other, 


                        GOD BLESS YOU                 


Wednesday, 2 April 2014

      NO    TIME

Our lives are so squashed up, the world seems to be rushing by.  All hurry – scurry, no time to reflect on God.  Life is so chock – a – block, not a minute to spare.  We have become forgetful of the things that matter most.  Things more important than missing an episode of your favourite soap, foot-ball match, e t c.  YOUR  SOUL.  If we are going to rush about for anything at all let it be for love of God and love of neighbour.  Here is a thought to ponder.  To try to understand how one drop of water means so much.  Drops mingle, trickle into rivulets, flow into streams, run into rivers, empty into oceans.  So with each drop of love i can give when mingling with others love, becomes a stream, runs into rivers, a torrent to fill the face of the earth.  The worth of every drop of love, so precious in the giving, encourage everyone to do so , making this world a better place to live in.