Friday, 28 March 2014

    IN    WHAT    DIRECTION                                                                                      


One thing we are most certain of, if we survive birth, then we are sure of only one outcome, death.  Everything in between is fraught with uncertainties.  In short death is only a doorway leading to eternal life.  This death of the body brings to an end our life here on earth.  Our eternal existence continues by the life in our souls {Gods great gift to humanity} and at some future point, by Gods will, our souls will inhabit new immortal bodies.  Christian teaching tells us of two kingdoms in the afterlife Gods kingdom, and the domain of satin.  After judgement in which direction will we go. 

This will depend on how we chose to live our lives here on earth. God loves us and wants us to follow his ways, giving us every aid to help us stay on the road  to heaven.  The ways of this world will only lead to eternal damnation.  That choice is ours alone to make.  There is no freedom of choice after death.  It is my belief the church has been very slow to pick up on God’s judgement and the day of the last judgement. Every day we are told of Gods love and mercy of which i have no shadow of doubt.  Yet nothing is spoken of his justice.  Across the world millions are suffering great injustices, starvation, sickness, moral corruption, greed, power, etc, and only faith in God’s justice can this be reconciled.  Life on this earth is not easy for anyone especially Christians.  Never forget that every day of Christs public ministry was fraught with dangers.  Constant debates with the church of his time, healing of the sick, spiritual and body, teaching of the apostles and much more.  His love for us was matched by his commitment, endurance, and the ability to overcome hardships, devoting all his energy to the tasks allotted to him.  What can we do to follow Him.  Positive action is a must, no easy way, no short cuts.  We must lessen our desires for the things of this life and  focus on things of the next life.  If we are to give ourselves any chance of reaching heaven we must include God in our every day affairs.  If we say we love God we must attend mass as often as we deem possible and partake fully in the sacraments.  Prayer is Gods shield against evil.  The quality of prayer is more important than the quantity.  This is our insurance of eternal life, we have God’s solemn promise on this.  Without God there is only darkness and despair.  It would be unwise in times like ours to lose sight of the grim reality , that eternal loss is always with us.  All who turn to Christ will be saved.  It is up to us to turn from sin and humbly accept what God so gracefully offers us through His infinite love.  We must take courage and remember Christs climb to calvary .  He was spat upon, insults hurled at Him, beaten to the ground.  During all this Christ was comforted by a young woman (Veronica) offering Him a cup of water.  Our cups of water are our masses and our prayers to console Him in these evil times   


Sunday, 16 March 2014


The church, founded by Christ and bestowed to the apostles continues to this day in their successors, for the purpose of protecting, preserving, and declaring the word of God throughout the world, and that message entrusted to it is infallible.  If we consider the world in its length and breadth, its various histories, the greatness and the littleness of man, his short duration ‘ - - - The dreary irreligion, the intensity of sin:  All this inflicts on the mind a profound mystery, which is absolutely beyond human solution.  However with clearer teaching from the church the laity can be encouraged to change their attitudes to God and start coming back to Him.


Friday, 7 March 2014

WHO   IS    LIKE   UNTO   OUR    GOD    


A cry that echoed throughout the heavens by the Archangel Michael in defence of God, His love, and His laws.  Today (Luscifer or Satin) has raised his standard once again, only this time here on earth.  His call to rally to him with promises to rid us of God and free to live our lives as we choose.  Worldwide, but especially in the western world thousands are rallying to his call, including a large percentage of Catholics.  Through the power of international  communecations systems, he is able to reach into the heart of every home.  The power of tele vision to disorientate the mind and focus it on nothing else but worldly goods, immorality, and self indulgence.  This attitude has caused many Catholics  to reject God and follow the materialistic road that leds to eternal death.  For the many who still remain faithful to God we must rally to His standard THE CROSS; There we will find our Blessed Mother, St Michael, and the angels, and all the Saints doing battle for us.  Here on earth we have the Church and the Sacrements in which we have the love and protection of our GOD.  By constant prayer, good deeds, GOD will surely bring us home. 

These are very worrying times for all.  We must pray frequently not just for our families, pray for our neighbours, pray for the world.  Prayer is a great weapon against evil, but good deeds need to flow from it.  Words without deeds are useless.  Returning to mass with your families to praise and honour GOD would be a massive step towards their salvation.  Taking part in the sacraments(confession etc) with fervour and commitment will surely increase the faith in our parishes.  If we truely value our souls and those of our children over worldly things, we must make the effort to change it is too late.  Just think in a short period of time say(20 years) will a priest be available to celebrate mass, anoint the sick, hear confessions, bless marriages, christen our young, pray over our dead.  Salvation is a serious business.  One has only to look at the CROSS to see how serious GOD believed it to be.  We must turn to our Blessed Mother to assist us in our daily efforts to follow GOD.  Ask help from your guardian angel, pray earnestly to the saints for their intercessions.  Do this and without any shadow of a doubt we will all meet in heaven. 

TILL  NEXT  BLOG                    GOD   BLESS       

Wednesday, 5 March 2014



What is it that we as catholics lack? My belief is this, an un willingness to be changed, and an unwillingness to suffer.  We do not like to let go of our old selves.  But when we come to God to be saved, we must surrender our selves completely to Him.  To learn not to react to insults, to give up an advantage etc. for Gods sake, has in it a power out weighing all the pretence of mere profession.  Deeds speak louder than words.  To introduce God back into the life of every family will take a great deal of courage and sacrifice.  Both parents must committ themselves to this action.  No human mind can ever grasp the rewards of such actions.  An eternal life ,of love, joy, and peace, are beyond our greatest imagination.  The alternative is to frightening to ponder.  No matter how little the change we must begin immediately.  Never put of till tomorrow for tomorrow may never come.  If we need encouragement, think of Christ in the garden of gethseminy.  Fearful, lonely, weak and afraid.  But for our salvation He endured it all that we might have eternal life.  That at least must be a great incentive for us to change and endure any hardships due to your efforts to change.